What did women work with in 1920?

In this post I’ll be looking at the occupations of the 11992 women who registered to vote in Boston in 1920. Using ggplot2 I’ll be making a bar chart with a curved bar to display the different occupations.

Emma Skarstein https://emmaskarstein.github.io

I became aware of the city of Boston’s Mary Eliza project through the Data is Plural newsletter. The Mary Eliza project is transcribing 160 handwritten volumes of the General Registers of Women Voters from the City of Boston in 1920, and making all this data available to the public. This is such a rich and fascinating data set to look into! Here, I examine the reported jobs of these women, and through that I attempt to give some insight into what life was like for these women, more than 100 years ago.

Get the data and setting up

I’ll be using the tidyverse package:

Would you like to follow along? You can download the data yourself from the project website. Note that this dataset is updated continuously, so the dataset may have expanded since I downloaded it (January 18th 2023). I have the exact data I used on my GitHub repo, in case you want to make sure you have the same data. All the code for this project is also on GitHub.

To begin with, I’ll load the data and clean the column names.

voters_raw <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/emmaSkarstein/visualization_projects/master/Women_voters/womens-voter-registers.csv")
voters <- voters_raw %>% 

Considerations in grouping the occupations

So what I really want to look closer at for this project are the recorded occupations. We can do a quick count of the top ones:

occupations <- voters %>% count(occupation, sort = TRUE) 
head(occupations, 15)
           occupation    n
1           Housewife 3939
2             At home  715
3         Housekeeper  598
4               Clerk  455
5        Stenographer  330
6           housewife  286
7          Bookkeeper  218
8             At Home  207
9                None  207
10          Housework  203
11               <NA>  180
12 Married, Housewife  158
13            Teacher  156
14          Secretary  154
15              Nurse  143

Just like with the countries, I already see some things I would like to clean up here, but we need to be careful to not make incorrect assumptions when working on this historical data. However, there are some things I think we can safely assume. Let’s print out a longer list of just the occupations without the counts to get a better idea of what we will need to do:

occupations[1:100, 1]
  [1] "Housewife"            "At home"             
  [3] "Housekeeper"          "Clerk"               
  [5] "Stenographer"         "housewife"           
  [7] "Bookkeeper"           "At Home"             
  [9] "None"                 "Housework"           
 [11] NA                     "Married, Housewife"  
 [13] "Teacher"              "Secretary"           
 [15] "Nurse"                "H.W."                
 [17] "Dressmaker"           "at home"             
 [19] "Saleslady"            "Telephone Operator"  
 [21] "Married"              "Single"              
 [23] "Married\nHousewife"   "Laundress"           
 [25] "clerk"                "married, housewife"  
 [27] "Operator"             "Waitress"            
 [29] "housewife, married"   "Cashier"             
 [31] "Domestic"             "Milliner"            
 [33] "Matron"               "house-wife"          
 [35] "Seamstress"           "Stitcher"            
 [37] "Tel. operator"        "House-wife"          
 [39] "Student"              "Telephone operator"  
 [41] "Cook"                 "at Home"             
 [43] "Widow"                "Maid"                
 [45] "School teacher"       "Married, housewife"  
 [47] "Saleswoman"           "Forelady"            
 [49] "Book-keeper"          "Elevator operator"   
 [51] "none"                 "Book keeper"         
 [53] "housekeeper"          "Packer"              
 [55] "Typist"               "Machine operator"    
 [57] "stenographer"         "Artist"              
 [59] "Hairdresser"          "Inspector"           
 [61] "Social worker"        "unemployed"          
 [63] "Bookbinder"           "married, Housewife"  
 [65] "Buyer"                "Manager"             
 [67] "Box maker"            "House-keeper"        
 [69] "Librarian"            "nurse"               
 [71] "Physician"            "saleslady"           
 [73] "Accountant"           "bookkeeper"          
 [75] "Graduate nurse"       "house keeper"        
 [77] "School Teacher"       "dressmaker"          
 [79] "married"              "Musician"            
 [81] "Trained nurse"        "Bookeeper"           
 [83] "laundress"            "Storekeeper"         
 [85] "Boarding"             "Tailoress"           
 [87] "Bank clerk"           "Box Maker"           
 [89] "Companion"            "Housewife, Married"  
 [91] "Lodging house keeper" "Machine Operator"    
 [93] "Music teacher"        "Private secretary"   
 [95] "Retired"              "Shoe worker"         
 [97] "teacher"              "Auditor"             
 [99] "Brushmaker"           "Cherry picker"       

There are some things to note here:

The above list is pretty much just a question of spelling, and I don’t think I’m making any bold assumptions when I change these to be consistent. However, there are some other changes I am a bit less certain about that I will nonetheless make for the sake of my visualization:

In order to make all these groupings and adjustments, I used the case_when() function from dplyr:

occupations_clean <- voters %>% 
  mutate(occupation = tolower(occupation), # everything lowercase
         occupation = gsub("-", "", occupation), # remove all hyphens
         occupation = gsub("\\[|\\]", "", occupation), # remove all brackets
         occupation = case_when(
           is.na(occupation) ~ "Not given", 
           grepl("(hous.*wife)|(h. ?w)|(at home)|(^married$)|(house.*work)|(^home$)", 
                 occupation) ~ "housewife",
           grepl("(telephone)|(tel. operator)|(^.?phone)", occupation) ~ "telephone operator",
           grepl("(^m.*ch.*operat)|(operator machine)", occupation) ~ "machine operator",
           grepl("switch.*board", occupation) ~ "switchboard operator",
           grepl("(dress).*(mak)", occupation) ~ "dressmaker",
           grepl("sten", occupation) ~ "stenographer",
           grepl("boo.*keep", occupation) ~ "bookkeeper",
           grepl("(house.*keep)|(domestic)", occupation) ~ "housekeeper",
           grepl("book.*binder", occupation) ~ "bookbinder",
           grepl("box.*maker", occupation) ~ "box maker",
           grepl("brush.*maker", occupation) ~ "brush maker",
           grepl("nurse", occupation) ~ "nurse",
           grepl("store.*keeper", occupation) ~ "storekeeper",
           grepl("(( )|^)(hair)", occupation) ~ "hairdresser",
           grepl("telegraph", occupation) ~ "telegrapher",
           grepl("candy", occupation) ~ "candy worker",
           grepl("sales", occupation) ~ "saleslady",
           grepl("laund", occupation) ~ "laundress",
           grepl("fore", occupation) ~ "forelady",
           grepl("(office work)|(office assistant)", occupation) ~ "office work",
           grepl("piano", occupation) ~ "piano teacher",
           grepl("school.*teacher", occupation) ~ "teacher",
           grepl("buyer", occupation) ~ "buyer",
           grepl("compt", occupation) ~ "comptometer operator",
           grepl("secretary", occupation) ~ "secretary",
           grepl("(^sew)|(seamstress)", occupation) ~ "seamstress",
           grepl("(milliner)|(hat)", occupation) ~ "hatmaker",
           grepl("elevator", occupation) ~ "elevator operator",
           grepl("physician", occupation) ~ "physician",
           grepl("cler", occupation) ~ "clerk",
           TRUE ~ occupation),
         occupation = fct_lump_min(occupation, min = 7),
         occupation = toupper(occupation)
         ) %>% 
  count(occupation, sort = TRUE) %>% 
  mutate(order = 1:nrow(.))

This was very good practice in regular expressions! My workflow for discovering all the necessary changes and how to capture them as concisely as possible in a regular expression consisted of both manual searches in View() in RStudio, as well as lots of testing in (regex101.com)[regex101.com] (what an amazing resource!). I would write a list of all the various spellings of an occupation in regex101.com, and then try to come up with an appropriate regular expression to capture all of them. I haven’t worked a ton with regular expressions before, so I suspect that some of these could have been done better, but I definitely learned quite a bit from this. It was always a challenge to make sure not to include something by mistake, for instance I thought I would just search for anything containing “hair” and recode that as hairdresser, but just searching for “hair” would also select “chairwoman”, which was not what I wanted!

I also made the decision to group together all the occupations that came up six times or less into “other”. Though they were definitely interesting to look at! I for sure think it is possible to group the occupations a bit more, I put more than 500 unique entries into my “other” category, but after scrolling through them I think I at least managed to pick out the ones that would make a significant impact in my visualization.

A preliminary bar chart

I decided early on that I wanted to make this into a bar chart to make the sizes of the different occupations clear. But a simple bar-chart of this would look something like this:

ggplot(occupations_clean, aes(x = n, y = reorder(occupation, n))) +
  geom_col() +

This is fine, but the size of the “housewife” category kind of masks the other categories. Is there some way of shifting the focus to the other categories while still displaying the size of the housewife-category? This made me think of some of the visualizations by W.E.B Du Bois, where I remembered seeing a “bent” bar chart, similar to a normal bar chart but with one of the bars being folded.

A bent bar chart!

When I looked it up I found that Du Bois has a few different data portraits of this type, for instance Plate 17 and Plate 26, shown below. Note that Plate 26 also displays occupations!


Figure 1: caption

There is, as far as I know, no built-in way to do this in ggplot2. Originally I was thinking it would be really cool to break the bar and then let it go downwards at 90 degrees, maybe even breaking again towards the bottom, almost like a frame. Byt since the y-axis here is different from the x-axis, I would need to be very careful that the length was correct, and I think that will need to be a project for another time. To keep it manageable this time I decided to bend the bar 180 degrees.

To make the curve itself, I used geom_curve():

ggplot() +
  geom_curve(aes(x = 1, y = 1, xend = 1, yend = 1+1), 
             curvature = 1.4, linewidth = 10) +

It took some tweaking to find the correct curvature to make the transition between the curve and the bar look smooth, but evetually curvature = 1.4 seemed to do the trick.

I decided to break the housewife-bar into three. So first, I need to find the length of each of the sub-segments by just dividing the total number in three. I also actually make this the number of housewives in the occupations_clean data set, so the first bar will be generated the same way as all the other bars, and then I add the two other sub-sections with geom_segment().

n_housewives <- occupations_clean[1, 2] %>% as.numeric()
n_housewives_div3 <- round(n_housewives/3)
occupations_clean[1, 2] <- n_housewives_div3 # Change the number of housewives to a third.

n_occs <- nrow(occupations_clean) # Number of occupations
bar_width <- 1.5 # Width of the bars

# Adding this in order to place the text correctly later on:
occupations_clean$text_position_y <- n_occs - (occupations_clean$order-1)
occupations_clean$text_position_y[1] <- n_occs + 2

To make everything look the same I actually use geom_segment() for all the “normal” bars as well instead of geom_col(). So, our initial plot with only the normal bars looks like this:

occupations_plot <- ggplot(occupations_clean) +
  geom_segment(aes(x = 0, xend = n, 
                   y = reorder(occupation, n), yend = reorder(occupation, n)),
               linewidth = bar_width)

Though here the housewives-bar is actually just a third of what it should be. I then add the curves and segments, and expand the y-axis so the bent bar will be visible:

occupations_plot <- occupations_plot +
  # Bottom curve, right side
  geom_curve(aes(x = n_housewives_div3, y = n_occs, xend = n_housewives_div3, yend = n_occs+1), 
                 colour = "black", curvature = 1.4, linewidth = bar_width) +
  # Middle segment
  geom_segment(aes(x = n_housewives_div3, xend = 0, y = n_occs+1, yend = n_occs+1), 
               linewidth = bar_width) +
  # Top curve, left side
  geom_curve(aes(x = 0, y = n_occs+1, xend = 0, yend = n_occs+2), 
             colour = "black", curvature = -1.4, linewidth = bar_width) +
  geom_segment(aes(x = n_housewives_div3, xend = 0, y = n_occs+2, yend = n_occs+2), 
               linewidth = bar_width) +
  scale_y_discrete(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.01, .05)))


Nice! That wasn’t too tricky! Now for adding annotations, and beautifying everything.

I want to highlight some of the bars for emphasis, in this case I prefer doing that by defining a separate color column in the dataset.

col_housewife <- "#D2042D"
occupations_clean <- occupations_clean %>% 
  mutate(bar_color = case_when(occupation == "HOUSEWIFE" ~ col_housewife,
                               occupation %in% 
                                 c("NONE", "UNEMPLOYED", 
                                   "SINGLE", "NOT GIVEN", "OTHER") ~ "grey86",
                                TRUE ~ "#D2042D"))

showtext_opts(dpi = 300)

f1 <- "Cabin" # Title font
f2 <- "Cabin" # Body text font
font_add_google(name = f1, family = f1)
font_add_google(name = f2, family = f2)

col_text <- "#191919"
col_bg <- "#f9f9f7"

ggplot(occupations_clean) +
  # Main bars
  geom_segment(aes(x = 0, xend = n, 
                   y = reorder(occupation, n), yend = reorder(occupation, n),
                   color = I(bar_color)),
               linewidth = bar_width) +
  # Bottom curve, right side
  geom_curve(aes(x = n_housewives_div3, xend = n_housewives_div3, 
                 y = n_occs, yend = n_occs+1, 
                 color = col_housewife), 
                 curvature = 1.4, linewidth = bar_width) +
  # Middle segment
  geom_segment(aes(x = n_housewives_div3, xend = 0, 
                   y = n_occs+1, yend = n_occs+1,
                   color = col_housewife), 
               linewidth = bar_width) +
  # Top curve, left side
  geom_curve(aes(x = 0, xend = 0, 
                 y = n_occs+1, yend = n_occs+2,
                 color = col_housewife), 
             curvature = -1.4, linewidth = bar_width) +
  geom_segment(aes(x = n_housewives_div3, xend = 0, 
                   y = n_occs+2, yend = n_occs+2,
                   color = col_housewife), 
               linewidth = bar_width) +
  scale_y_discrete(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.01, .05))) +
  # Number labels
  geom_text(aes(x = n + 30, y = text_position_y, label = n), hjust = 0, 
            size = 2, family = f2, color = col_text) +
  # Add a little buffer of each side of the x-axis
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, 2300), expand = expansion(mult = c(0.01, 0))) +
  # Don't remove stuff outside the border of the plot
  coord_cartesian(clip = "off") + 
  annotate(geom = "text", x = 2300, y = 48, hjust = 1, family = f1, face = "bold", color = col_text, size = 6,
  annotate(geom = "text", x = 2300, y = 42, hjust = 1, family = f1, color = col_text, size = 3,
           label = "The most common occupations among 11992 of the first\n women who signed up to vote in Boston in 1920.") +
  labs(caption = "Graphics: Emma Skarstein  |  Source: The Mary Eliza Project") +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 20, family = f2, color = col_text),
        plot.caption = element_text(size = 6, family = f2, color = col_text),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 6, color = col_text),
        axis.title = element_blank(),
        axis.text.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid = element_blank(),
        panel.background = element_rect(fill = col_bg, color = col_bg),
        plot.background = element_rect(fill = col_bg, color = col_bg),
        plot.margin = margin(20, 20, 20, 20))

Appendix: Some other exploration of the data

This is such a rich dataset, I wanted to take a quick look at some of the other information there as well.

Birth countries

First of all, I would definitely recommend just scrolling through this dataset, I could spend hours just looking at all the individual entries!

We can also do some simple summaries, for example, what are the birth countries of these women?

countries <- voters %>% count(country_of_birth, sort = TRUE)
countries %>% head(15)
      country_of_birth    n
1        United States 9559
2               Canada  823
3              Ireland  780
4              England  213
5               Russia  102
6                 <NA>   98
7                Italy   77
8             Scotland   77
9               Sweden   67
10             Germany   62
11              Norway   17
12 British West Indies   16
13              France   15
14             Austria    8
15             Denmark    8

Unsurprisingly a majority is born in the US, but there are quite a few immigrants as well. We can print all of them without the counts to save space:

 [1] "United States"          "Canada"                
 [3] "Ireland"                "England"               
 [5] "Russia"                 NA                      
 [7] "Italy"                  "Scotland"              
 [9] "Sweden"                 "Germany"               
[11] "Norway"                 "British West Indies"   
[13] "France"                 "Austria"               
[15] "Denmark"                "Belgium"               
[17] "Switzerland"            "Wales"                 
[19] "Poland"                 "West Indies"           
[21] "[Canada]"               "Armenia"               
[23] "Azores"                 "China"                 
[25] "Danish West Indies"     "Finland"               
[27] "Great Britain"          "Holland"               
[29] "Nova Scotia"            "Portugal"              
[31] "Russian Poland"         "South Wales"           
[33] "Turkey"                 "[see note]"            
[35] "Armenia (Turkey)"       "At sea"                
[37] "Austria Czechoslovakia" "Austria Hungary"       
[39] "Bohemia"                "Chile"                 
[41] "Cuba"                   "German"                
[43] "Hungary"                "Jamaica"               
[45] "Lithuania"              "Massachusetts"         
[47] "Newfoundland"           "North Germany"         
[49] "Northern Ireland"       "Norway Sweden"         
[51] "Poland-Russia"          "Romania"               
[53] "Russia Poland"          "South Africa"          
[55] "Spain"                  "Syria"                 
[57] "Untied States"          "Vermont"               

Interesting! If we were to do some analysis based on this I think we could do some further cleaning here, though we need to be careful about making assumptions when working with historical data. For instance, I was thinking that I would change Newfoundland to Canada, but turns out Newfoundland wasn’t a part of Canada until 1949! Also, Norway separated from Sweden in 1905, but the one person who wrote Norway Sweden as their country of birth was probably born before then, when they were still a union. Also, apparently Vermont was it’s own republic from 1777 to 1791, but I’m guessing this person wasn’t born in that time period. Maybe it was a political statement? But I suppose we could assume that “Russian Poland”, “Russia Poland” and “Poland-Russia” are referring to the same place?

I also think name trends are really interesting, so I am curious about the most popular names:

names <- voters %>% 
  separate(name, into = c("first", "rest"), sep = "\\s", extra = "merge") %>% 
  count(first, sort = TRUE)

head(names, n = 10)
       first    n
1       Mary 1618
2   Margaret  614
3  Elizabeth  436
4      Annie  403
5  Catherine  340
6      Alice  295
7      Helen  292
8       Anna  271
9      Sarah  206
10     Ellen  191

These are maybe not so surprising. We can look at a sample of the least common names:

special_names <- names %>% filter(n == 1)
random_rows <- sample(1:nrow(special_names), size = 100)
special_names[random_rows, 1]
  [1] "Chrystal"     "Susanne"      "Avis"         "Harriott"    
  [5] "Youtha"       "Lorenna"      "Florance"     "Nichols"     
  [9] "[Nano]"       "Carmela"      "Orrie"        "Rowena"      
 [13] "Lorana"       "Imogen"       "Hanorah"      "Alvania"     
 [17] "Missouri"     "Palmira"      "Jessemine"    "Audrey"      
 [21] "Juliet"       "Reyda"        "Winnie"       "Mignonette"  
 [25] "Campbell"     "Neotah"       "Catharin"     "Bride"       
 [29] "Nicoline"     "Margarite"    "Corilla"      "[Malhilata?]"
 [33] "Eloise"       "Ursuline"     "Abigale"      "Vyola"       
 [37] "Loulie"       "Lotty"        "Letha"        "Freda"       
 [41] "Mal"          "Jenette"      "Lera"         "Albena"      
 [45] "Latitia"      "E.D."         "Argentina"    "Aimee"       
 [49] "Mannie"       "Hilma"        "Robena"       "Olie"        
 [53] "Alethia"      "Minne"        "Mahala"       "Tema"        
 [57] "Vena"         "Patty"        "Katheryne"    "Hilla"       
 [61] "Nanie"        "Seraph"       "Georgette"    "Cera"        
 [65] "Luzerne"      "Vida"         "Metta"        "Elinore"     
 [69] "Beissie"      "Beata"        "Rosabelle"    "Stephanie"   
 [73] "Ermina"       "India"        "Minnia"       "Monica"      
 [77] "Tena"         "Yettie"       "Lovetta"      "Eulalie"     
 [81] "Tryphena"     "Meta"         "Raffaelle"    "Leta"        
 [85] "Matildia"     "Clifford"     "[Mattie]"     "Eleanore"    
 [89] "Louies"       "Mercy"        "Diana"        "Pearle"      
 [93] "Henny"        "Elberta"      "Filomena"     "Hila"        
 [97] "Wanda"        "Tillie"       "Bluette"      "Eleana"      

I love this! I suspect some of these may be misspelled, but that is just the joy of historical data.