library(mice) # Just used for the nhanes2 data set
library(INLA) # INLA modelling
library(dplyr) # Data wrangling of the results
library(gt) # Tables
library(tidyverse) # Data wrangling and plotting
library(showtext) # Font
library(colorspace) # Color adjustments
Missing covariate imputation
In this example, we use the nhanes2
data set from the mice
R-package to illustrate how to do missing covariate imputation in INLA by using a measurement error model. As noted in the paper, the nhanes2
data set is really small, it only has 25 observations and 9 of them are missing, so this is not really a good application of this. However, we chose to use this as it is a data set that is commonly used in other missing data applications in INLA, and so we reasoned that using the same data set would make it easier to compare the implementations.
Loading packages
inla.setOption(num.threads = "1:1")
Loading and preparing the data
# Using the nhanes data set found in mice:
age bmi hyp chl
1 20-39 NA <NA> NA
2 40-59 22.7 no 187
3 20-39 NA no 187
4 60-99 NA <NA> NA
5 20-39 20.4 no 113
6 60-99 NA <NA> 184
7 20-39 22.5 no 118
8 20-39 30.1 no 187
9 40-59 22.0 no 238
10 40-59 NA <NA> NA
11 20-39 NA <NA> NA
12 40-59 NA <NA> NA
13 60-99 21.7 no 206
14 40-59 28.7 yes 204
15 20-39 29.6 no NA
16 20-39 NA <NA> NA
17 60-99 27.2 yes 284
18 40-59 26.3 yes 199
19 20-39 35.3 no 218
20 60-99 25.5 yes NA
21 20-39 NA <NA> NA
22 20-39 33.2 no 229
23 20-39 27.5 no 131
24 60-99 24.9 no NA
25 40-59 27.4 no 186
<- nrow(nhanes2)
# Manually dummy-code age:
<- ifelse(nhanes2$age == "40-59", 1, 0)
age2 <- ifelse(nhanes2$age == "60-99", 1, 0)
# Center the response and continuous covariates
<- scale(nhanes2$chl, scale = FALSE)[,1]
chl <- scale(nhanes2$bmi, scale = FALSE)[,1] bmi
We want to fit the model
\[ chl \sim \beta_0 + \beta_{age2} age_2 + \beta_{age3} age_3 + \beta_{bmi} bmi + \varepsilon, \] but there is missingness in bmi, so we will consider two different imputation models for this.
Simple imputation model
We first fit a model that is identical to the one in Gómez-Rubio and Rue (2018).
Specifying priors
# Priors for model of interest coefficients
= c(0, 0.001) # Gaussian, c(mean, precision)
# Priors for exposure model coefficient
#prior.alpha <- c(26.56, 1/71.07) # Gaussian, c(mean, precision)
# Priors for y, measurement error
<- c(1, 0.00005) # Gamma
prior.prec.y <- c(0.5, 0.5) # Gamma
prior.prec.u_c #prior.prec.x <- c(2.5-1,(2.5)*4.2^2) # Gamma
# Initial values
<- 1
prec.y <- 1
prec.u_c #prec.x <- 1/71.07
<- 1/71.07 prec.x
Setting up the matrices for the joint model
<- matrix(NA, 3*n, 3)
1:n, 1] <- chl # Regression model of interest response
Y[+(1:n), 2] <- bmi # Error model response
Y[n2*n+(1:n), 3] <- rep(0, n) # Imputation model response
.0 <- c(rep(1, n), rep(NA, n), rep(NA, n))
beta<- c(1:n, rep(NA, n), rep(NA, n))
beta.bmi <- c(age2, rep(NA, n), rep(NA, n))
beta.age2 <- c(age3, rep(NA, n), rep(NA, n))
<- c(rep(NA, n), 1:n, 1:n)
id.x <- c(rep(1, n), rep(1, n), rep(-1, n))
<- c(rep(NA, n), rep(NA, n), rep(26.56, n))
<- data.frame(Y = Y,
dd beta.0 = beta.0,
beta.bmi = beta.bmi,
beta.age2 = beta.age2,
beta.age3 = beta.age3,
id.x = id.x,
weight.x = weight.x,
offset.imp = offset.imp)
INLA formula
= Y ~ - 1 + beta.0 + beta.age2 + beta.age3 +
formula f(beta.bmi, copy="id.x",
hyper = list(beta = list(param = prior.beta, fixed=FALSE))) +
f(id.x, weight.x, model="iid", values = 1:n,
hyper = list(prec = list(initial = -15, fixed=TRUE)))
Scaling of ME precision
Since we are not assuming any measurement error here, we need to “turn off” the error model by scaling the error precision to be very large (it makes no difference if we scale the precision only for the observed values or for the observed and missing values).
<- c(rep(1, n), rep(10^12, n), rep(1, n)) Scale
Fitting the model
<- inla(formula, data = dd, scale = Scale, offset = log(dat$pop),
model_missing1 family = c("gaussian", "gaussian", "gaussian"), = list(
list(hyper = list(prec = list(initial = log(prec.y),
param = prior.prec.y,
fixed = FALSE))),
list(hyper = list(prec = list(initial = log(prec.u_c),
param = prior.prec.u_c,
fixed = FALSE))),
list(hyper = list(prec = list(initial = log(prec.x),
fixed = TRUE)))
),control.fixed = list(
mean = list(beta.0 = prior.beta[1],
beta.age2 = prior.beta[1],
beta.age3 = prior.beta[1]),
prec = list(beta.0 = prior.beta[2],
beta.age2 = prior.beta[2],
beta.age3 = prior.beta[2])),
$summary.fixed model_missing1
mean sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant mode kld
beta.0 -17.60626 10.93451 -37.971728 -18.03594 5.183261 NA 9.910360e-08
beta.age2 29.24290 16.09734 -4.203562 29.84339 59.318094 NA 9.648499e-08
beta.age3 51.16447 20.73070 7.996870 52.09611 89.369885 NA 1.611619e-07
$summary.hyperpar model_missing1
mean sd
Precision for the Gaussian observations 0.001036804 0.0004234011
Precision for the Gaussian observations[2] 0.916159737 0.5484311863
Beta for beta.bmi 5.035216083 0.4842624861
0.025quant 0.5quant
Precision for the Gaussian observations 0.0003789667 0.0009755623
Precision for the Gaussian observations[2] 0.2023001516 0.8039241305
Beta for beta.bmi 4.1750752965 5.0067526677
0.975quant mode
Precision for the Gaussian observations 0.002025766 NA
Precision for the Gaussian observations[2] 2.276555004 NA
Beta for beta.bmi 6.082937710 NA
Full imputation model
This model includes age as a covariate in the imputation model.
Specifying priors
For the intercepts and slopes of the model of interest and imputation model we set very wide priors centered at zero.
# Priors for model of interest coefficients
= c(0, 1e-6) # Gaussian, c(mean, precision)
# Priors for exposure model coefficients
<- c(0, 1e-6) # Gaussian, c(mean, precision) prior.alpha
For the precision of \(y\) and \(x\) we set more informative priors. The precisions are given gamma priors, and in INLA this is parameterized by the shape and rate parameters. Let’s first look at the precision for \(y\).
We base our priors for \(x\) and \(y\) around the values that we want as the modes of the distributions. For \(y\), we look at the regression chl~bmi+age2+age3
. The standard error is estimated to be \(29.1\). We decide we want \(1/29.1^2\) to be the mode of our prior. Since the gamma distribution with shape \(\alpha\) and rate \(\beta\) has mode \(\frac{\alpha-1}{\beta}\), we can choose \(\alpha = s+1\) and \(\beta = s\cdot29.1^2\) in order to get a distribution with mode equal to \(1/29.1^2\). Then we need to choose \(s\) to decide the spread, the variance of the inverse gamma distribution will decrease as \(s\) increases. For \(x\) we similarly construct the prior to have its mode at \(4.1\).
An alternative approach could be to construct an upper limit for the variance by choosing that to be the variance of the covariate itself, as well as some lower limit, and then select the inverses of these limits to be the 2.7% and 97.5% quantiles in the gamma prior. in our case, the variance of chl
is \(2044\), so we would choose \(1/2044\) to be the lower limit for \(\tau_y\). For the upper limit, we decide on roughly a 10th of that variation, so the upper limit is \(1/204.4\). By specifying these points as the 2.7% and 97.5% quantiles, respectively, we can achieve the parameters of a gamma distribution with these quantiles through numerical optimization. We get the distribution \(\tau_y \sim G(3.4, 1588)\). Similarly, for \(x\) (bmi
), we find that the sample variance of bmi
is \(17.8\), and so we could set the lower limit of \(\tau_x\) to \(1/17.8\). Again, by choosing roughly a 10th of that variation we get a upper limit for the precision at \(1/1.78\), giving the gamma distribution \(\tau_x \sim G(3.4, 13.9)\).
# Priors for y, measurement error and true x-value precision
# Start by getting a reasonable prior guess for the standard error of the regression and exp. models
[1] 29.10126
[1] 4.160342
# Use those values to create reasonable priors:
<- 0.5
s <- c(s+1, s*29.1^2) # Gamma
prior.prec.y <- c(s+1, s*4.1^2) # Gamma
# We can visualize these priors:
curve(dgamma(x, s+1, s*29.1^2), 0, 0.02)
curve(dgamma(x, s+1, s*4.1^2), 0, 1)
# Initial values
<- 1/29.1^2
prec.y <- 1
prec.u_c <- 1/4.2^2 prec.x
Setting up the matrices for the joint model
<- matrix(NA, 3*n, 3)
1:n, 1] <- chl # Regression model of interest response
Y[+(1:n), 2] <- bmi # Error model response
Y[n2*n+(1:n), 3] <- rep(0, n) # Imputation model response
.0 <- c(rep(1, n), rep(NA, n), rep(NA, n))
beta<- c(1:n, rep(NA, n), rep(NA, n))
beta.bmi <- c(age2, rep(NA, n), rep(NA, n))
beta.age2 <- c(age3, rep(NA, n), rep(NA, n))
<- c(rep(NA, n), 1:n, 1:n)
id.x <- c(rep(1, n), rep(1, n), rep(-1, n))
.0 <- c(rep(NA, n), rep(NA, n), rep(1, n))
alpha<- c(rep(NA, n), rep(NA, n), age2)
alpha.age2 <- c(rep(NA, n), rep(NA, n), age3)
<- data.frame(Y = Y,
dd beta.0 = beta.0,
beta.bmi = beta.bmi,
beta.age2 = beta.age2,
beta.age3 = beta.age3,
id.x = id.x,
weight.x = weight.x,
alpha.0 = alpha.0,
alpha.age2 = alpha.age2,
alpha.age3 = alpha.age3)
INLA formula
= Y ~ - 1 + beta.0 + beta.age2 + beta.age3 +
formula f(beta.bmi, copy="id.x",
hyper = list(beta = list(param = prior.beta, fixed=FALSE))) +
f(id.x, weight.x, model="iid", values = 1:n,
hyper = list(prec = list(initial = -15, fixed=TRUE))) +
.0 + alpha.age2 + alpha.age3 alpha
Scaling of ME precision
Since we are (again) not assuming any measurement error here, we need to “turn off” the error model by scaling the error precision to be very large (it makes no difference if we scale the precision only for the observed values or for the observed and missing values).
<- c(rep(1, n), rep(10^12, n), rep(1, n)) Scale
Fitting the model
<- inla(formula, data = dd, scale = Scale,
model_missing2 family = c("gaussian", "gaussian", "gaussian"), = list(
list(hyper = list(prec = list(initial = log(prec.y),
param = prior.prec.y,
fixed = FALSE))),
list(hyper = list(prec = list(initial = log(prec.u_c),
fixed = TRUE))),
list(hyper = list(prec = list(initial = log(prec.x),
param = prior.prec.x,
fixed = FALSE)))
),control.fixed = list(
mean = list(beta.0 = prior.beta[1],
beta.age2 = prior.beta[1],
beta.age3 = prior.beta[1],
alpha.0 = prior.alpha[1],
alpha.age2 = prior.alpha[1],
alpha.age3 = prior.alpha[1]),
prec = list(beta.0 = prior.beta[2],
beta.age2 = prior.beta[2],
beta.age3 = prior.beta[2],
alpha.0 = prior.alpha[2],
alpha.age2 = prior.alpha[2],
alpha.age3 = prior.alpha[2])),
# Save results:
saveRDS(model_missing2, file = "results/model_missing2.rds")
Fitting a complete case model
# Where is bmi missing?
<- data.frame(Y = chl,
dd_naive beta.0 = rep(1, length(bmi)),
beta.bmi = bmi,
beta.age2 = age2,
beta.age3 = age3)[!missing_bmi, ]
# Formula
<- Y ~ - 1 + beta.0 + beta.age2 + beta.age3 + beta.bmi
# Fit model
<- inla(formula,
model_naive data = dd_naive,
family = c("gaussian"), = list(
list(hyper = list(prec = list(initial = prec.y,
param = prior.prec.y,
fixed = FALSE)))),
control.fixed = list(
mean = list(beta.0 = prior.beta[1],
beta.age2 = prior.beta[1],
beta.age3 = prior.beta[1],
beta.bmi = prior.beta[1]),
prec = list(beta.0 = prior.beta[2],
beta.age2 = prior.beta[2],
beta.age3 = prior.beta[2],
beta.bmi = prior.beta[2]))
The posterior means and standard deviations are presented in the table below. Note that the data set is quite small (25 observations where 9 are missing), and so the differing result should not be interpreted too seriously.
me_adjusted | naive | inla_mcmc | |||||||
mean | lower | upper | mean | lower | upper | mean | lower | upper | |
Model of interest | |||||||||
beta.0 | -32.246 | -53.825 | -10.209 | -36.471 | -60.971 | -11.955 | 43.469 | -79.233 | 166.171 |
beta.age2 | 49.780 | 16.172 | 82.716 | 55.767 | 19.014 | 92.496 | 29.501 | -5.526 | 64.528 |
beta.age3 | 83.479 | 40.509 | 124.367 | 104.643 | 55.072 | 154.173 | 49.449 | 3.963 | 94.935 |
Beta for beta.bmi | 4.935 | 3.541 | 6.181 | 6.919 | 3.026 | 10.811 | 4.864 | 0.540 | 9.188 |
Imputation model | |||||||||
alpha.0 | 1.983 | -0.979 | 4.978 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
alpha.age2 | -3.126 | -7.829 | 1.544 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
alpha.age3 | -4.525 | -9.547 | 0.320 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
We can also look at the imputed values themselves, they can be found in marginals.random$id.x
inside the model object.
<- model_missing2$marginals.random$id.x[missing_bmi]
bmi_imputed <- data.table::rbindlist(lapply(bmi_imputed,, idcol = TRUE)
ggplot(bmi_imp_df, aes(x = x, y = y)) +
geom_line() +
facet_wrap(~ .id, ncol = 3) +
A summary can also be seen from summary.random$id.x
$summary.random$id.x[,1:6] model_missing2
ID mean sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant
1 1 1.9833916 4.3417083305 -6.6211007 1.9775924 10.6216277
2 2 -3.8624998 0.0009999933 -3.8644610 -3.8624998 -3.8605387
3 3 3.2045709 3.3767919876 -3.4545358 3.2001626 9.8975173
4 4 -2.5416313 4.5282288945 -11.6122240 -2.5139190 6.3676961
5 5 -6.1624995 0.0009999933 -6.1644607 -6.1624995 -6.1605384
6 6 -5.7573424 3.8336379811 -13.3935391 -5.7357398 1.7336245
7 7 -4.0624997 0.0009999933 -4.0644609 -4.0624997 -4.0605386
8 8 3.5375000 0.0009999933 3.5355388 3.5375000 3.5394611
9 9 -4.5624993 0.0009999933 -4.5644605 -4.5624993 -4.5605382
10 10 -1.1424814 4.4628547510 -10.0052047 -1.1424825 7.7202482
11 11 1.9833916 4.3417083305 -6.6211007 1.9775924 10.6216277
12 12 -1.1424814 4.4628547510 -10.0052047 -1.1424825 7.7202482
13 13 -4.8624999 0.0009999933 -4.8644611 -4.8624999 -4.8605388
14 14 2.1374996 0.0009999933 2.1355385 2.1374996 2.1394608
15 15 3.0374999 0.0009999933 3.0355388 3.0374999 3.0394611
16 16 1.9833916 4.3417083305 -6.6211007 1.9775924 10.6216277
17 17 0.6375001 0.0009999933 0.6355389 0.6375001 0.6394612
18 18 -0.2625001 0.0009999933 -0.2644613 -0.2625001 -0.2605390
19 19 8.7374996 0.0009999933 8.7355385 8.7374996 8.7394608
20 20 -1.0625001 0.0009999933 -1.0644612 -1.0625001 -1.0605390
21 21 1.9833916 4.3417083305 -6.6211007 1.9775924 10.6216277
22 22 6.6374999 0.0009999933 6.6355388 6.6374999 6.6394611
23 23 0.9374998 0.0009999933 0.9355387 0.9374998 0.9394610
24 24 -1.6625001 0.0009999933 -1.6644612 -1.6625001 -1.6605389
25 25 0.8374996 0.0009999933 0.8355385 0.8374996 0.8394608
Model summary
c("inla.core(formula = formula, family = family, contrasts = contrasts,
", " data = data, quantiles = quantiles, E = E, offset = offset, ", "
scale = scale, weights = weights, Ntrials = Ntrials, strata = strata,
", " lp.scale = lp.scale, link.covariates = link.covariates, verbose =
verbose, ", " lincomb = lincomb, selection = selection, control.compute
= control.compute, ", " control.predictor = control.predictor, =, ", " control.inla = control.inla,
control.fixed = control.fixed, ", " control.mode = control.mode, =, ", " control.hazard = control.hazard,
control.lincomb = control.lincomb, ", " control.update =
control.update, control.lp.scale = control.lp.scale, ", "
control.pardiso = control.pardiso, only.hyperparam = only.hyperparam,
", " =, inla.arg = inla.arg, num.threads =
num.threads, ", " blas.num.threads = blas.num.threads, keep = keep, =, ", " silent = silent, inla.mode
= inla.mode, safe = FALSE, debug = debug, ", " .parent.frame =
Time used:
Pre = 2.96, Running = 0.273, Post = 0.0205, Total = 3.25
Fixed effects:
mean sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant mode kld
beta.0 -32.246 10.999 -53.825 -32.333 -10.209 NA 0
beta.age2 49.780 16.772 16.172 49.906 82.716 NA 0
beta.age3 83.479 21.180 40.509 83.873 124.367 NA 0
alpha.0 1.983 1.501 -0.979 1.978 4.978 NA 0
alpha.age2 -3.126 2.361 -7.829 -3.120 1.544 NA 0
alpha.age3 -4.525 2.487 -9.547 -4.494 0.320 NA 0
Random effects:
Name Model
id.x IID model
beta.bmi Copy
Model hyperparameters:
mean sd 0.025quant 0.5quant
Precision for the Gaussian observations 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
Precision for the Gaussian observations[3] 0.063 0.016 0.036 0.062
Beta for beta.bmi 4.935 0.657 3.541 4.953
0.975quant mode
Precision for the Gaussian observations 0.003 NA
Precision for the Gaussian observations[3] 0.098 NA
Beta for beta.bmi 6.181 NA
Marginal log-Likelihood: -366.84
is computed
Posterior summaries for the linear predictor and the fitted values are computed
(Posterior marginals needs also 'control.compute=list(return.marginals.predictor=TRUE)')
Gómez-Rubio, V., & Rue, H. (2018). Markov chain Monte Carlo with the integrated nested Laplace approximation. Statistics and Computing, 28, 1033–1051. doi: 10.1007/s11222-017-9778-y